Letters from My friend Boris in Slovakia(1)

Letters from My friend Boris in Slovakia(2) 写真集(2)です。スロバキアの暮らしなど。

Thank you for Boris.You are a my nice Friend.

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< Slovakia >

One day,I received e-mail from Boris.
" Salue Chie Nakatani ! "
"Salute" is meaning of "How do you do?"
Boris live in Slovakia.
I interested in Boris'letter and Slovakia.

ある日、Boris からメールを頂きました。アドレスにある sk はどこの国かとお聞きしたらスロバキアでした。

< Geographical features >

(from Boris) East part of the Czech republic is "Morava", where live the moravian nation. This is very old nation (as slovak nation) - from 9-ty century. After the invasion Hungarians into central Europe in 10-ty century, was it very difficult situation. Slovak nation was divide on 2 part:

(Borisからのメールの一部) チェコ共和国の西はモラビアと言われ、9世紀頃からモラビア人(スロバキア人)が住んできた。10世紀頃、中央ヨーロッパへのハンガリー人が侵略し、スロバキアは2つに分割された。

from Boris.
And the history of Slovakia is very vast. But it is too very difficult explaint it with a dictionary...(Oh, this english!)
(Borisからの手紙:スロバキアは歴史のある国です。でも、説明するのはなか なか難しい。)メールでいろんなことを教えて頂きました。互いにもっと英語 が自由に使えたらと思いながら。

Today live abouth 1/3 of slovak nation out of Slovakia (USA, Canada, Latin America, South Africa, Italia, Austria, Germany, Swiss, France, Norway, Russia, Australia, and too in Japan). But slovak youth already often cannot slovak language, and now generation...
現在ではスロバキア国民の3分の1はスロバキア以外の国で暮らしています。 スロバキアの言葉を知らない新しい世代が生まれています。

Look at vale "Turiec" (nord Slovakia). Mountains "Mala Fatra" is under scuds. Down - meander of river Turiec, reserve locality "Klastorske luky".
雲がかかった"Mala Fatra"の山と、"Turiec" の谷。スロバキアの言葉ではど う発音するのだろうか。ぜひ大きな写真も見てください。なだらかな丘陵地の 向こうに山がつらなっています。boris さんが選んでくださったスロバキアら しい風景のひとつ。

This is an ancient wood-house from skanzen in Turiec (nord Slovakia, near Martin). It is interesting compare it with modern uniform houses.
これは Turiec にある古い木造の民家。いずれ現代風な住いの写真も送ってく ださるそうです。

Not long ago (26.10.1997) has been in the village Vesele by Piestany celebration of 200 years from birth bishop Stefan Moyzes, founder and first chairman of the Matica slovenska. 次の3枚の写真は 200-ty annual celebration です。Stefan Moyzes 司教の 聖誕 200年祭 と言うのでしょうか。1997年10月26日の写真です。boris さん はカトリックの信者さんです。
Bishop Stefan Moyzes has been a great advocate of rights for the nations, these has been underfoot by Hungarians. He has been one very studied and intelligent man.

1. Sacred procession with the rood at statue of St.Maria.

2. Bishop Mons. Dominik Hrusovsky in this sacred procession.

この2枚は200-ty annual celebrationのためのミサの行列だろうと思います。 このような風景はさすがに日本のカトリック教会でも同じです。まずマリア像 の前での祈りがあり、行列はそこから出発するようですね。

3. Native house of bishop Stefan Moyzes in Vesele by Piestany.


One interesting postcard from mountains "Vysoke Tatry". This is a real view at the mount "Krivan" (2494 m above sea level) named "an Indian head" (or "an Indian face"). You can see this face in left upper quarter.

View from bridge over the river Vah to mountains Povazsky Inovec.

A glade in the mountain "Povazsky Inovec" near by Piestany (eastward).

Sunset in Biele Karpaty (westward of Piestany).

Spa Piestany is situate ashore of river Vah beside of tektonic gap about the mountains Povazsky Inovec. Old meander of river Vah flow just over this gap and silts from river create here via an infiltration with the thermal water special medicinal "mud of Piestany". This enable found the Spa for cure especially screws and ailment of mobility joints.

Just thanks to this,it is in Piestany relatively maintenance natural biotop. Over Piestany flow river Vah, outside the town is reservoir Slnava. Nature into environs afford many chance for tourismus.

In Piestany been everytime many of visitors of entire world. This been also account, that during the reign of communists has been the count of the inhabitants above more than double, but it is not nature increase. Unfortunately, it had, and has up to now too negative impact for criminal. Today interest is generally only a quickly account. (Before communism,today consumism.)

After 1945 was emigrate practicaly all slovak patriotic intelligence... And theirs places are engage(?) with czechs or slovak communists, which are here up to now. Many of this emigrated Slovaks are yet die.
Today live abouth 1/3 of slovak nation out of Slovakia (USA, Canada, Latin America, South Africa, Italia, Austria, Germany, Swiss, France, Norway, Russia, Australia, and too in Japan). But slovak youth already often cannot slovak language, and now generation...

スロバキアは歴史のある国です。そしてまた悲しい歴史も持っています。追放 されたり、亡命したりした人も多く、現在、スロバキアの国民の3分の1は国 外に住んでいます。もちろん日本にも。
win95 に接続したスキャナーで取った tif 画像があまりに大きくてメールに添付して送信して頂くのに boris さん はとっても苦労してくださいました。数回にわけてこれだけの写真を送信して くださいました。本当に感謝。

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